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What are the top Cryptos by market cap?

At the moment, the top cryptos by market cap are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Binance, and Cardano. In the guide below, we will briefly review the cryptocurrencies and offer predictions on the future prices of the coins. 1. Bitcoin Bitcoin is the biggest cryptocurrency by market cap, and it is also the best-known.

What is the estimated cryptocurrency market capitalization in 2022?

The estimated cryptocurrency market capitalization, for example, during January 2022, varied between 400 billion USD and 800 billion USD which was 566 billion USD at the beginning of the year 2022 and finally settled at 128 billion USD by the end of the year 2022.

What cryptocurrencies are up a lot in the past year?

While Bitcoin is up “only” 110% over the past year (as of Dec. 20), other cryptos have posted unbelievable numbers. Solana, the fifth-largest crypto by market cap, is up nearly 11,000% over the past year, while Shiba Inu, which may soon crack the top 10, is up an unfathomable 46 million percent.

What does a cryptocurrency market size measure tell you?

This gives cryptocurrency investors an idea of the overall market size, and watching the evolution of the measure tells how much money is flowing in or out of each cryptocurrency. The price of Bitcoin has been erratic, and most other cryptocurrencies follow its larger price swings.

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